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You can see the programme overview or download it as a PDF document. You can also download the complete schedule (programme.ics) and import it into your calendar application (you need to manage programme updates manually, e.g. reimport the updated file).


Adjusting Games on the fly for what’s happening in the room




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



In the dynamic world of applied improvisation, unforeseen shifts are not just possible—they're inevitable. Whether you're navigating the boardroom or classroom, the ability to adjust games and activities in real-time is essential.Have you ever found yourself in a workshop that veered off course, leaving your carefully planned agenda irrelevant? You're not alone. This session is designed to equip you with the tools and confidence to handle any curveball with finesse and professionalism.Through engaging discussions and hands-on exercises, you'll delve into the art of adaptability, exploring the six essential ways to adjust any activity or game on the fly. From tweaking the rules to altering the focus, you'll learn practical strategies to increase your value to clients and maintain participant engagement even amidst unexpected twists.Say goodbye to workshop nightmares and hello to a newfound sense of confidence in your ability to handle anything that comes your way.


Applied improvisation in mental health care and psychotherapy




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



The workshop will outline research in applied improv related to mental health and psychotherapy. We will cover how improv supports mental health even when it is not practiced with a psychotherapeutic aim and by psychotherapists and also studies of applied improv as a deliberate psychotherapeutic intervention. We will explore improvisational training principles that have proven to be beneficial for mental health and psychotherapy with various target groups (considering the age or type of mental health difficulties). Another area of research that the workshop will tackle is how improv supports the professional development of people working in caring professions (such as therapists, social workers, educators, etc.). Applied improvisation offers vast potential for training programs in those professions of which some have been already explored in research. Most of the studies have been written and published in the last eight years so there is apparent growing interest in AI in academia and mental health care.


Balancing Risk and Safety: Facilitating in Service of Learning and Growth




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



On a scale of 1-10 how risky is skydiving? Giving a speech to 1,000 strangers? Walking home alone at night?  Saying “no” to your biggest client? How would your best friend answer these questions? Your boss? Your mom? Our senses of risk and safety are unique. What you find scary may be easy and comfortable for others and vice versa. As a facilitator, balancing risk and safety involves offering the right level of support and challenge. This requires specific attention to the needs of the individual and group. Without creating safety, we may shut down or resist. Without being presented with a challenge, we can remain stuck in our comfort zones, and opportunities can be missed. In this interactive session we will deepen our understanding of our own comfort zones and how to best support our participants.


Brave New World - Navigating the Future Through Improv and Play




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



Join us in a philosophical and playful exploration of the evolving challenges of building trust in the workplace in the AI-enabled future. We will play with and deepen our understanding of psychological safety and brave spaces. Together, we will harness the power of improvisation and play to foster environments where human connection, inclusion, and innovation can help us navigate the complexities of tomorrow's workplace, and thrive alongside advancing technology.


Calculating Your Worth: Pricing Strategies for Trainers




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



In today's rapidly evolving landscape of professional development and education, trainers often find themselves grappling with a fundamental question: how much should I charge for my services? This question is not just about assigning a monetary value to one's expertise, but also about understanding the true worth of the knowledge and skills they bring to the table. At the "Calculating Your Worth" workshop, we will explore the intricacies of pricing strategies in the training industry. Workshop will provide a comprehensive framework for participants to assess their value proposition and determine appropriate pricing structures.


Classroom 2042




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



The goal of the workshop is to let the participants use their imagination and go on a time travel to co-create a vision of a classroom in the year of 2042, where the educational system is highly influenced by improvisational principles. How will the teacher work? How will the students learn and cooperate?


Co-creativity - a path to the future




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



This workshop is about getting to know the difference between real teamwork and group work. Real and therefore time-consuming teamwork is not always necessary. However, when it comes to looking for new solutions and the future must first be invented, then real teamwork is required. For real teamwork to succeed, co-creativity is urgently needed. And there are ways to foster co-creativity in teams, e.g:

  • the security of knowing we can tolerate uncertainty and contradiction-enough, 

  • time to work without pressure, 

  • access to our unconscious 

  • accept each other’s offers and build on them, 

  • the "yes, and..." principle-diversity, to throw a different light on problems, 

  • an atmosphere in which team performance is acknowledged, 

  • the freedom to make mistakes without being penalised.

After a short theoretical input on these topics, we will try out many exercises on co-creativity and the "yes, and.." principle for use in teams.


Cultivating Playful Presence - following life's serendipity




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



We’ve all had moments of real serendipity. A page opens to a random word that inspires the day. A friend reaches out at just the right moment. An opportunity emerges and the body tingles with a clear “YES!”.Of course, we’ve all ignored or rejected such calls as well. The chance or the clue passes us by and we retreat back to regular life and wonder what could have been. This workshop is designed to illuminate a sense of wonder, getting into playful presence and call you back to flow. We’ll likely use exercises that are completely new to you and some that are more familiar–but will get a refreshed and vitalizing twist.Do you feel a YES? Welcome!


Designing And Facilitating A Play Community




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



Every year the Playfair organization presents more than 400 large-scale “Play Community” team-building experiences for as many as 5,000 joyful participants at a time.Play is a powerful tool for building community. At our annual Playfair Staff Retreat, I always remind the assembled facilitators that before you can genuinely lead a thriving play community experience, you need to be deeply anchored in a feeling of “belonging” to a supportive community yourself. This workshop is designed to provide exactly that kind of “connecting” and “belonging” community experience for the AIN participants.This is a totally interactive workshop. The games and activities will create a base of support and connection for the players to draw upon in designing their own community-building and team-building presentations as they navigate their own playful future. Come prepared to have some serious fun!


Distinguishing Opposing Ideas from Opposing People




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



How is improv supporting or hindering our ability to engage effectively with the current issues of the world?  Do our efforts support connection in the absence of agreement?  In addition to the array of games and teambuilding exercises that we adapt and apply broadly, this session is specifically interested in how the art of improvisation can be meaningfully applied to situations and issues without easy answers: climate change, war and conflict, equality, polarization in politics, etc.  This session will invite participants to reflect on how they have seen divisiveness emerge within their respective contexts.  We’ll utilize interactive activities to build connection and stimulate discussion on how applied improvisation can bring about transformatively different outcomes in these case examples.  Ultimately, we hope this session can reflect a broader call for our community to continue leaning into the messier work of conflict, systemic change, and justice.


Empowering Women Through (Applied) Improvisation




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



This workshop will focus on how to leverage applied improvisation as a tool for female empowerment; more specifically, to overcome barriers towards achieving long-term success in the work environment. Although women are advancing in the workplace more than ever before, the higher they get up the career ladder, the fewer make it to, or stay at the top. And even when they achieve their desired career goals, women still face many challenges, both internal and external. In some cases, this leads to some stepping down of their own volition- despite being chosen, promoted or supported through policies and/or championed by mentors or managers. Though some solutions of course require more large-scale societal change, some barriers come from learned behavioural patterns and mindsets. With that in mind, how can Applied improvisation promote long term success for women?  Can we even create a future paradigm shift for women in the workplace by using Applied Improvisation?Marta Borges and Kelly Agathos are professional actresses, coaches and facilitators, as well as pioneers of improvisational theatre in their respective countries.  Both were members of Project Eve, a pan-european collective of female improvisers dedicated to exploring the topic of gender, on and off stage. After collaborating on applied improvisation trainings that specifically looked at empowering women, they want to give back to the AIN community to recount their experience, share their insights and foster a larger discussion on this important topic.This workshop will start by Kelly and Marta sharing their discoveries from the work they have done within this topic. They will then invite the participants to share their experiences and open the discussion on how to empower women in their career aspirations and achieve a more inclusive workplace culture - one that they want to remain in. Bring your questions, ideas and experiences to the table. Let’s brainstorm on how present and future generations of women can become agents for change through applied improvisation!


Experienced Improvisers Share Their Wisdom




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



Join our panel discussion, in which fellow practitioners can learn from others’ mistakes and successes, with a view to retuning wisely for the changing environment of the future. Bring your questions, on topics which might include: - How best to organise your AI offer - Improving your marketing and sales strategy - Enhancing your delivery and impact. You'll take away many tips to apply to own practice, and leave with clearer priorities for selecting your next steps.


Fast Tracking Intimacy




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



The future needs humanity to be truly connected and to feel safe in expressing our vulnerability. How can we feel safe bringing our true selves to the party?   AI!   But not any AI!  Nicola Pauling’s AI is Activating Intimacy.  As a developmental specialist for non-performers, she uses play to support deep social connection and emotional wellbeing, bypassing mere tolerance of others and moving towards true togetherness. Bobbi Block's AI is Actors' Improv.  As a professor and director of performers, she has traveled the world teaching her unique approach for using emotional truth and life experience to inform unscripted theater. This workshop explores how these AIs can quickly and easily break down barriers within a group and enable deep connection, intimacy, trust and respect. Bobbi & Nicola team up to deliver this workshop in which you experience their AI exercises to create grounded, truthful and emotionally mature performances of being human on stage and off.


From Hire to Retire: Improv’s Role in Shaping the Employee Journey




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



Learn how to articulate the benefits of applied improvisation throughout the entire employee lifecycle to make your value proposition stand out to HR and L&D leaders. Understand how to present improv as a beneficial tool from the hiring process to retirement, enhancing every aspect of the employee experience. This workshop will equip you with the skills to pitch improv programs that enhance hiring processes, boost engagement, and support leadership competency development for a future-ready workforce. Learn how to use data and case studies to validate your claims. Sharpen your pitching skills through role-plays that challenge your ability to understand the needs of your HR and L&D counterparts and effectively communicate your unique value proposition.


Future-Proof your Applied Improv Business Proposition




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



Do you find applied improvisation to be a difficult 'sell'? Do you ever notice your prospects being turned off by the way you describe your work? Then this session is for you. We'll help you package your output in a way that's less woolly and worthy, more slick and scientific. In one hour you'll have a juicy starting point for marketing your business to your chosen client base while keeping your integrity. You'll learn: How to tap into your USP (unique selling point). How to organise your expertise into easy-to-explain sections. How to create a clear visual template that will serve you for years to come. Take the stress out of selling with IMPROV Inc.


GETTING TO YES AND! Using Applied Improv for Mediating Conflicts and Creating a Better Future




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



“YES AND” doesn’t necessarily mean giving in! Our world is an increasingly troubled place. With so many wars, conflicts and political divisions, our modern society is more polarized than ever before. How can we, as Applied Improvisers, use our skills to help heal these divisions and create more peace and unity in the world when dealing with people with whom we disagree? This highly interactive workshop will combine proven principles and techniques from the fields of Mediation and Conflict Resolution with the Improv Principle of YES AND to provide new, innovative ways of working with people to resolve differences and create a better future. Participants will engage in experiential exercises based on both improv principles and longstanding negotiation techniques that will enable them to learn how to help teams, organizations, and communities de-escalate conflict and find common ground together.


Hacking Polarization: A Gestalt Theatre Approach to Inner Awareness for Outer Work




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



Polarization threatens our collective futures, yet continues to grow in social spheres. What can we learn about this significant topic by first exploring polarities within ourselves? We will use Gestalt Theatre, a therapeutically informed form of applied improvisation, to explore polarization as something we can bring our awareness to, relate to, and consider in our own work. Participants can look forward to developing skills of self-awareness, knowledge of Gestalt polarity theory, and Gestalt Theatre approaches to applied improv workshop facilitation. Join our diverse partnership from the US and Lithuania as we blend our expertise in education and organizational development to create a safe environment for development. No background knowledge necessary. Come ready to reflect, participate, and witness.


Harnessing Improv for Future-Proof Skill Development




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



In this 90 min group workshop, we will explore the BANI framework (by futurist Jamais Cascio) as a way to make sense of the future-of-work challenges we might encounter in our increasingly complex world. What skills help us navigate Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible environments? How might we as facilitators provide training for future-proof skill development being human beings that are improvising through these changing times ourselves? We will aim to identify future-proof skills in an increasingly automated and digitised job market and identify opportunities for future skill development. Together through ideation we will experiment how applied improvisation can support future skill development. Throughout the session participants will work in smaller groups with the aim to open our own curiosity around the subject and to start discussion that will help us access our own existing and emerging group knowledge.


How to Make Up a Game, Create Safety, and Give the Power to the People




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



What are the elements of a good game? How do you choose the right activity at the right time? How do you make an activity feel safe and fun for everyone? In our rapidly changing world, learning games that already exist might not be enough. We need to be prepared to make up new ones. Good games are like good stories - there's an invisible structure that you can count on. We know with a story, there's a beginning, a middle, and an end. With a game - what IS that invisible structure? Come learn J.W. James' four structural elements of game creation: The Purpose/Goal, the Objective, the Mechanics, and the Metaphor. We will also explore how to leverage the natural arc of group development to create the conditions for safety, equity, positive growth and creativity. Once you know these elements, you'll be able to create activities that fit the needs of any group. Then we will make up some games! And play them! We will conclude with a debrief of our creations and a possibility to offer them to the wider conference during Open Space.


How to Measure and Improve Adaptability Intelligence (or AQ)




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



This year LinkedIn named “Adaptability” as the fastest growing in-demand workplace skill. Understandably, many AI practitioners are resourced to help develop adaptability within organizations, but it’s difficult to improve something you can’t measure. So, how might AI practitioners do this? Created in collaboration with scientists, business leaders and psychologists, the Adaptability Quotient is a framework for understanding and measuring individual and team adaptability intelligence (or AQ). This session will introduce the concept of AQ, offer participants a practical framework for understanding the complexities of adaptability, and explore how this tool can be used by AI practitioners to better serve their clients with data at individual and organizational level.


Improvisation and Intimacy Training: Creating a Consent Based Foundation for Improvised and Ensemble Work




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



How do we tune to the future of consent-based practices when the work we do is unscripted and unrehearsed?  This interactive workshop will briefly share the basics of intimacy/consent training used in more traditional applications and performance (much of which is choreographed and rehearsed) then go beyond scripted work to adapt that consent based ideology to ensemble and improvisational groups when no one knows what will come next. Using techniques that build on the latest ideas that challenge more traditional power structures in performance, this workshop aims to empower participants with information and techniques that can make any ensemble that uses improvisation less awkward, more truthful and infused with trust and consent.


Include & Engage the Quiet Ones




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



How often have you led a workshop or session, and found it difficult to keep everyone engaged - especially the quiet, reserved and introverted participants?In this dynamic workshop, you'll learn the skills to create a meeting or workshop environment where every participant can contribute. By the end of this workshop, you’ll1. Learn to identify the quiet voices in your group and understand what is holding them back from participating.2. Learn practical strategies and interactive activities that promote balanced participation so the louder participants stop dominating the conversations.3. Understand the consequences of putting people on the spot and determine if it's beneficial or disastrous.4. Add three simple strategies in your tool belt to invite participation from everyone - even the quiet folks.


Innovating Tradition: The Synergy of AI and Culture in a South Indian Village School




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



Join me for a compelling exploration of the transformative power of AI in education, as we uncover lessons learned from a village school near Puducherry,  South India. My deep-rooted engagement with the school over 15 years, as well as using AI tool over the last 7 years, I bring a unique perspective on merging AI tools with local culture to shape students' futures. My talk, aligned with the 'Tune the Future' theme, will delve into an inclusive learning approach, interactive skill development games, and the crucial role of cultural sensitivity. Supported by videos, photos, and feedback, I aim to enlighten and educate while fostering dialogue on the future of education. Drawing from my extensive experience in change management and Applied Improvisation, this session promises practical insights and inspiring discussions.


Interpersonal relationship? In the future?




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



I am from the Czech Republic. So I go for a beer. Discuss things. It doesn't leave me cold when my IT buddies talk about AI actually building relationships. They learn with every interaction. It tells us what we want to hear or read. It gets better and better.I see a trap in that. I fear that we will become even more captive to mobile phones. (Not to mention the kids.) Feeling unhappy? There is AI-chat. It is easier to chat with artificial intelligence than with humans. I think the result will be even more lonely people. We just might not see it right away. Research clearly shows that people who feel lonely get sick more and die earlier. It is nothing less than life. And also belonging or cooperation.I think applied improvisation is great in that it has many tools to connect people, to improve trust in each other, to improve the quality of relationships.I invite you to a workshop where we will look at what interpersonal relationships actually are. I will offer you several techniques for creating a safe environment, which I believe is the basis for people to meet at all.


Making friends with anxiety




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



Have you noticed an increase in anxiety around you? Or maybe even within yourself.  When you follow the news or your social media feed it seems like the future for humanity is bleek and the rise of anxiety levels makes complete sense. However being anxious about the future isn't helping us deal with it's challenges effectively, and ignoring, suppressing or fighting it doesn't help either.  All that is left is to make friends with it and turn it into an ally so we can  access its power and face the uncertain future with courage.  In this workshop you'll be taken through an embodied experience in which you will get to know your triggered anxious self better, learn from it and shift your relationship with it, so that next time you are in a situation that would normally derail you, you can stay in your power and respond effectively.


Need to Learn a New Language? Take an Improv Class




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



Over the past two years, my wife and I have been diligently establishing an improv company in Zaragoza, Spain. Upon my initial relocation, my proficiency in Spanish was limited. However, since then, I have not only performed in both English and Spanish but also taught English to adults and children through Applied Improvisation techniques. This report encapsulates our journey and showcases a workshop featuring games tailored to this unique context. Throughout the workshop, participants will actively engage in these games, while the debriefing process will be meticulously directed toward language practice objectives. We offer this approach as a flexible framework, allowing for the adaptation of games to suit specific needs. Furthermore, we will explore how improv serves as a catalyst for language acquisition across diverse learner backgrounds, including native speakers. Indeed, improvisation emerges as an expressive art form that fosters profound language exploration.


Orchestrating High-Performing Teams with Improv




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



This workshop merges the worlds of improv and the scientific insight into team performance. Together we will use the experience of what it means to be an improv team and align this with a well established team framework -  The 6 Team Conditions. You will leave with a new way to engage with team leaders on what it takes to be a high performing team, and some of the steps you can support them with on that journey.


Pathfinder: Improvising Your Future




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



In this fun, fast-paced, and highly- interactive workshop you will explore a goal you have for the next year, its importance to you, and how to overcome the unforeseen obstacles you may encounter along the way. You’ll navigate the unpredictable terrain of desires and fears and practice tapping into your inner guidance. We’ll use applied improvisation exercises at every step of the way to bring out insights and new clarity. You will leave with a single action item that will move you immediately toward your desired future. Along the way you will pick up activities to use in your own programs. To get the most out of this session come with one goal that you’d like to achieve in the next year and be prepared to play!


Pitfalls of Building a Company's Brand While Embracing Improv Principles




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



When you decide to build a successful company, having great trainers may not be enough. You also need to know how to market yourself effectively. In this session, we will focus on key topics related to building a recognizable business brand. I will walk you through some of the fuck-ups we have encountered on our journey with the School of Applied Improvization in Prague over the past 11 years. In this workshop, we will share 7 useful lessons that will make it easier for you to build your own brand successfully. Are you ready to drive your improv-based business to success?

(you will need a computer/phone)


Puppetry and Improvisation - Delight as a Tool




Friday 19 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



This workshop is an overview of techniques of improvisational puppetry.  The power of performing objects is an incredible tool to inspire creativity, deep learning, and transformative experiences in applied improv settings.  Join Johanna Smith, a professional puppetry educator and improvisor, for a fun and inspiring hands-on workshop that will give you tools for using improvisational puppetry in multiple settings.


Qi Prov - Harnessing the connection between your body and the earth to create more energy for you and your clients




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



For thousands of years people have been tapping into the connection between their bodies and the earth to harness energy for our lives and livelihoods. In this introductory level session I will teach you how to use movement, breath, and flow to generate the energy you need for your own life, for the trainings you lead, and to bring your clients to a place of energized fun play.


Relax into conflict: Staying focused in difficult conversations




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



Conflicts can be overwhelming. And so can be training to become a mediator! This workshop will provide insight into areas of mediation skills and training which can be enhanced by methods of applied improvisation. We are going to explore in particular on micro-focusing and observation in high-intensity conflict situations. How to see what is really there and how to accurately speak what we see? In addition, we are going to explore how we can ease our clients into creating - and experiencing - intense yet authentic conflict situations.


Seeing you - Seeing me




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



Future is at our doorstep. We are overhelmed by (digital) input and asked for a lot of (perfect) results. Western society that is focussed on indivuality; polarisation and duality pulls us away from eachother. More and more people feel scared and depressed. Do we face this future on our own? When we are stressed or overwhelmed - we often choose to pull back, isolate.We tend to disconnect. This is common behaviour, to protect ourselves when we feel vulnerable. In this workshop we experiment with improv-exercises that pushes you to stay connected to eachother. To overcome our impuls to pull back and actually find eachother. Can we teach ourselves to stay connected, during chaos or anxiety? And face the future together?


Self Expression through Improvisational Collage




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



In this interactive, art-based workshop, Marian Rich and Carrie Caudle will guide you through the powerful, playful art of collage. We will start by using the Visual Thinking Strategies methodology to discover what we might see within existing pieces…and then we will jump in and PLAY. Guided by Carrie (in person) and Marian (in New York, via Zoom), this session will include quiet time to create your collage in a non-judgmental, supportive, and collaborative space. Participants will explore their own process, and we will examine strategies for facilitating group success – in a school, therapeutic, or business setting (or beyond!). Collage Play is for everyone – all are welcome and no previous experience with collage is necessary. Art materials will be provided, and participants are also encouraged to bring additional items they might like to tear, glue, and reimagine.


Shaking Hands with Ourselves: Embodiment for an improvised life




Saturday 20 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



For all it takes to be present, moments of disconnect happen. There is a silent partner that’s with us every single moment and we hardly know them. What does it mean to be in touch with our body? To listen to our body’s signals and accept its offer? As we improvise our lives, how can we be a more present, loving partner to the one who is with us 24/7? This session is for anyone with a body, who wants to feel more connected with it. Inspired by journeys from surgical suite to stage and lessons learned along the way, we’ll explore the offer of our bodies as collaborative partners. Lean into your curiosity, spend a spacious moment to be present in and with your body. Play and ponder simple experiences to foster awareness, connection, and appreciation. You might even find something that’ll make your body say, “Ahhhh, thanks for noticing me!”


Status Games: Be a ‘Player’




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



No matter where people are on the ‘Status Pecking Order’, everyone is aiming to get what they want; however, people often lack the awareness of the how to play the Status Game. This workshop focuses on revealing how ‘status’ is embedded in all communication exchanges, and how people can better-use Status Games in a playful safe way in order to proactively achieve their goals. As everyone plays many roles in their lives, based on archetypes embedded into their character, it is important that people recognize whether they are low-, or high-status players in these roles. From this base-of-operations, participants explore how they use physical and verbal status statements in order to meet their objectives. Acting techniques associated with the Stanislavski Method offer insight into how everyone combines ‘active verbs’ into their status interactions in order to empower the status shifts at play.


Strategic Alliances, Agile Outcomes: Cultivating Profitable Partnerships for Success




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



Many of us often get a job offer that is bigger than we can comfortably manage.  When that happens we can turn down the job, run ourselves thin trying to do everything or become an employer and manager.   Some of us set up legal business entities that require time and money. Many of us work as solo practitioners and have to do everything alone: business development, instructional design, delivery, marketing, billing and so on. And at the end of the day the victory party is … a party of one.  Improvisation is at its core a collaborative form…how do we collaborate/partner and create bigger impact and bigger post-workshop celebrations?


The Future is Ours: Identify and Leverage Your Unique Value Proposition




Friday 19 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



The only thing we can plan for in the future… is that things are going to change. Our clients are facing increasingly challenging and unpredictable environments.According to Harvard Business Review the top skills needed for leaders of the future are:-Flexibility-Empathy-StrategyAs applied improvisers we are uniquely skilled to help clients to Meet the Moment and Prepare for the Future of WorkBut…are you selling what they are buying…? What problems are you solving for your clients?How do YOU do it differently…? (besides improv)Are you targeting the best customers for you?We all have unique experience and skills that we can leverage even if they are not obvious (yet). Through exercises and discussions, you will discover and identify your unique value proposition and learn how to leverage it to find and serve your ideal client.


The Gold Shines Most Brightly After the Game: The Art of Debriefing in Applied Improv




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



The transformational power of Applied Improv emerges through the debrief of the experience. Applied Improv works so well because decisions made in Improv games have no negative real-world consequences. Therefore, it's safe for audience members to reveal their true selves when describing how they play. Through the playing of the games, you get the chance to use the experiential learning of the audience to manifest your learning points. During debriefs, players mull over the game experience, assess what went well and what might be a way to enable future success. Reflections can help individuals understand how they make choices, and also help  groups gain deeper understanding of the drivers of the group culture.You’ll leave this fun & personally insightful session with an understanding of how, when and why to debrief any activity in any situation AND at least 10 specific prompts for debriefing the beginning, middle and end of your sessions.


The Yes, And! Classroom. Unlocking the Potential of Improv to help Children Thrive in a World of Trauma, Mental Health Crises, and Social Challenges




Saturday 20 July 2024


8:30 am


10:00 am



Discover how to equip kids with the necessary tools to manage anxiety and cope with the effects of trauma in these uncertain times. Gain insight into the impact of trauma and anxiety on student development. Imagine creating a safe and nurturing environment where all students, feel empowered to learn and grow, embracing their authentic selves. Let's foster a culture of resilience and compassion in the classroom or small groups through applied improv, mindfulness, and cognitive behavior therapy.This workshop offers a transformative approach to understanding the nervous system's role in fostering a safe and connected learning environment where authenticity thrives. By empowering kids to monitor their thoughts and release barriers to genuine connections, all students, including those with social challenges and neurodiversity, learn to recognize and address their emotional, social, and learning needs effectively.


Tune the Future: Empathy as a Learning Goal




Friday 19 July 2024


1:00 pm


2:00 pm



Applied improvisation is a training approach that is needed now, more than ever. Empathy, the ability to relate to another’s situation emotionally and vicariously, is crucial tuning for the future. Because an experiential approach to learning allows participants to gain embodied knowledge, to identify useful behaviors and to practice skills related to positive interpersonal communication, it is an invaluable tool for cultivating empathy.In this workshop we will first experience a series of activities that build empathy by encouraging listening, understanding, and perspective taking.We will debrief the experience by discussing how each activity provides a different opportunity for seeing the situation from another’s point of view, for changing perspectives, and for recognizing differences. We will conclude by applying our new understanding to the design of a new game with a learning goal of building empathy.


We share a space, the work has started




Saturday 20 July 2024


2:30 pm


3:30 pm



In this workshop, we will explore the concept of sharing physical space and the implications it holds. When we share a space, we inevitably exchange energy, emotions, and various interactions occur within the team dynamics and among individuals.As our reliance on online work increases, it becomes crucial to acknowledge the additional dynamics present when we gather in person. Being mindful of these dynamics allows us to effectively facilitate spaces where energy flows optimally, enhancing the team's performance and cohesion.Throughout the workshop, we will engage in specific exercises derived from The Six Viewpoints, a framework initially developed by Mary Overlie for dancers and actors to foster a more inclusive approach to artistic expression. Nathalie has been incorporating these techniques into her applied improvisation work for over 20 years and is eager to share some of her insights.

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