Matt Weinstein
Matt Weinstein is an internationally recognized authority on the use of fun and play in team building. Matt is the founder and “Emperor” of Playfair, Inc., an international consulting firm based in Northern California that facilitates more than 400 community-building events each year. Matt was elected to the Professional Speaker’s Hall of Fame by the National Speaker’s Association, and was honored by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the “21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century.”Notes to the conference committee: I would like to request a 90-minute workshop session slotIf accepted, kindly place this session close to the beginning of the conference so that the sense of support and community that is built among the players can continue through the rest of the conference.If you are looking for an interactive Plenary session for opening the conference for all the attendees, I could present a 60-minute version of this program.