Jan Keck
Jan Keck is driven by a simple belief: **real, deep connection beats small talk**, every single time. There’s nothing that breaks his heart more than witnessing individuals **trapped in awkward icebreakers**, feeling more isolated despite being in a group.With his deck of [conversation starter cards](https://www.askdeepquestions.com) that has touched lives worldwide, Jan’s journey is about gently guiding people toward **meaningful engagement**, **building trust** and **fostering deep connections**. He believes that you can warm up your meetings without cheesy activities, build trust without trust falls and facilitate vulnerable conversations without participants feeling they’re in therapy.He's been lucky enough to share his ideas through a **TEDx talk** and be featured on platforms like **CBC News, Breakfast TV, and HuffPost**, but for Jan, the real success is in the stories people share about the connections they've made. What he enjoys most is seeing those lightbulb moments when **strangers realize they’re not alone.**During the pandemic, Jan has taught thousands of trainers, facilitators and educators how to recreate the “magic” of in-person gatherings online and turn the dreaded Zoom fatigue on its head. Now, he is channelling his insights and experiences into writing [his first book, "Ice Melters,”](https://www.icemeltersbook.com) where he shares his framework for warming up gatherings in a way that's authentic and inclusive - without making anyone feel left out (especially the introverted, shy and quiet folks).After living in Canada for 14 years, Jan has recently moved back to Germany with his wife, Cookie, son, Mika and cat, Linda, to be closer to his family.